You Want to Put WTF On My Car - MILESTARS - ?!?!?!?!? Who Makes Them Are They Any Good =P

You Want to Put WTF On My Car - MILESTARS - ?!?!?!?!? Who Makes Them Are They Any Good =P

What is in a name? And for someone, that is so. All about brand names. Mostly actually in fashion, but in general. I feel name relates to quality and quality relates to experience and experience relates to. The best bang for the buck and you knows and I and I'm hard, steadfast on particular things when it comes to anything and everything with Cars.

When I had my Mustang. I always love the look at the Goodyear label. On the tires. And I used to love just the armor, all the hell out of it. And I was proud. Because they're Goodyear tires and I know Goodyear costs a lot and it was a name brand tire and I felt that it was. Equal to the price that you must pay for them.

Hello, what's on the TV ad?

Before I had that, I had. Add GT +4 tires and they were expensive as shit. For that little car, but it really worked well with that car and whenever the possibly best tire topic comes up or searching for tires, I gravitate like man have been engrained through brainwashing, sorry advertising lol, too. You know, and on “Reggie” the Ridgeline, it was Michelins. And on the Prelude, and the Civic previously it is used to be Michelins also.  

So, I guess I am “tire snob” when it comes to that.


In my mind, the montage of the Top Fuel Tire with the Huge Goodyear Label coming to ‘grow’ as they do a burn out and the bouncing as well as the wrinkling of the massive rubber going huge. I imagine Goodyear with drag racing and racing in general and you know, peeling out and you know car shows and hot rods, you know and being that brand. Cause it's because everyone knows Goodyear is the shit, you know? It's. 

It's a name and a legend, and ITS THE SHIT as they say =)

But I have learned and been humbled. It so happened with my latest purchase of four tires. Which they're called. Of all things, Milestar. Yeah I know not exactly the sexiest of names, like Goodyear, Yokohama, Pirelli, etc., but really MILESTAR. The in the name of the definition of itself being so plain as Milestar. 

I have a cousin named Harvey Handler, (I kept this in because my old fart brain thought it was Mile Handlers) lol That sounded here nor there, so. Kind of thing. Anyways.

What I really wanted was a new set of Michelin. When you said the Michelins for my car. Cost 750 bucks. Something like that. And I got four-Milestars. 400 or $550. Out the frickin’ door. Well. There is under $500 out the door. So like $500 or whatever.


I'm so impressed by these tires. And I really don't want to write about it because I don't want other people finding it out because if they get too popular, then they're going to be up in price. But man, if you told me I was running good years, I was running Michelins, I was running Pirellis, I was running, you know, Yokohama's or whatever, I would completely believer you. Oh hell yeah, it holds going around the corners like super glue, no effing joke. I am left with a smile ear-to-ear across my mofo face Sis and Bros =)


And I'll be honest with you, my gauges with low tire pressure are not going off as much as they did with Michelins. And my car had to replace 6 tires unfortunately. At the time I had the tire package that I got from. Jermaine Honda So I was lucky there but only I really pay for like 1 entire. But they were just something about this car and those tires when you hit bumps and it's snowing and the whole night.

But honest to God, I only had to check my pressure gauge only once. Since I've had those tires on my car and I've already ran, I'm like 5000 miles easily.

Eating Other Tires Lunches and Left with Enough for you to get chya a Little MOFO Debbie Boy =) (Crank That Soldier Boy lol )

And they are very good in rain. Extraordinarily well in rain and snow and the wind. They make my car feel. Like solid? If you told me I had Michelins on, I would believe you 100% =)

And once again, you go back to the quality of how much it is versus a good year versus this. This is the quality is there in these tires, I told them at Kelly’s Goodyear in Heath, If I had a Lamborghini, If I get a Corvette, if I had a Porsche, I'm Putting Milestars on all of them, if they have that. These tires. Our second really to none in the adhesion in the way they ride. They are just a great, great tire. Damn to the name, it's SO LAME, like for Fer Shur (Said in a valley girl voice)


So, I have to, and you should as well get off the thought that it has to be some name that has been marketed in the bajillions to impress upon your psyche that they are the Shit, when they really are not. Do as I do and check that Mofo humility at the door, Daughter and or son as they say =)

These tires rock. I'll buy these tires for the rest of the time that I need tires. You know, and I got them at Kelly Goodyear in Newark. OH, and people are so, so nice there. God, they're awesome. Absolutely awesome. I used to take my car to the dealership. Because I thought, ohh it’s a Honda and it takes this special kind of this, this and this. But I will now let Kelly do anything. That I am getting the biggest bang for the buck.


Side note, I think I've been the biggest bang for the book is because I did go to the dealership, and they did quote me $1000 for all new brakes. And I did not need new brakes.

I just need new brake pads. You know, bias may, you know, I probably had a lot of miles on him. You know 135,000 miles probably want to be safer than sorry with the rotors and calipers and everything else but. Just tell me what it really needs now. Because I am not a person that has a lot. Or any capital on and it should say. I do drive it like I stole it by the way and I have not a iota of issues with them I am happy to say.

In the top of that, when I went to Goodyear at Kelly, at Kelly Goodyear, I said I'm not going to get paid, you know, for a week. Is that going to be OK? And they're like, yeah, that's fine. So, they extended my credit and I just worked with them in the past couple of times I got. I guess new to me tires due to a great selection of good pre-owned tires that people are like. Some people don’t want to put any more than 20,000 miles on them and they feel they want a new set. Great, I will take advantage of that all week and twice on the weekend as they say =)))))) . So, I grabbed 2 two other tires from there. There are different profiles in my fronts, but so be it. That was a while ago, now I am all same profile - cool I know lol.  


So, there are HONEST shops out there, there are HONET people out there. There are people willing to work with you. And don't be afraid if they recommended tire or a name that you have not heard of yet, it does not mean that it's lower quality. It just means maybe it's a hell of a lot lower in marketing. And they can sell that tire for a lot less that has the exact same performance as something that has huge marketing and a huge write up. That's it.

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