Dubble Bubble - Hubba Bubba the Whole Pack in One Sitting =)

Dubble Bubble - Hubba Bubba the Whole Pack in One Sitting =)

Wow, have I gotten old??

There it was, sitting there, stale for sure, in the corner with the candies and snacks that are here daily.

Man, I so wanted it, and it so called my name, I swear I could hear it, along with all my past Halloweens.

We came back from trick or treating with booty a plenty and bowl and bowls that were worshipped as if came from the g-d what my Dentist would accumulate because of all the new business of cavities and the like. 

I said to myself Look at you Dubble Bubble, just look at you, then with those memories of countless bazooka, Bubbly Yum, Hubba Bubba, Candy Gum, Gum by the Yard, Aqua fresh, Dragon fruit, The Zebra Stripe brand, the package gum that lasted all of 2 minutes. You know the one I am speaking of, it was good for like a frickin what 1/2 minute maybe less and it then it was just gone. If you kept chewing it, it turned into like a paste.

Made of Exactly WHAT

What the hell they put in that I don't know, and I don't want too lol.  

Yeah, there it was along with the time of just laughing do to all the exploits of the summer, the pool and times of my youth. 

Stop It Already - Jeesh Lol =P

Just look at you, just tempting me with how you are curled up all stale and I know hard as rock as I can almost all the metal in my mouth as it is cold as it is today.

How Dare You lol as Greta Would Say

I even took my hand out in the preparation of grabbing it and then ripping off the wrapper and shoving it into my mouth. I was almost salivating at the whimsy of the who the hells know what is really made of sugar that I know that it would coat. Man, it took me everything not too. You can too it Kevin, remember all those hours and days gong to get your teeth drilled and filled etc. 


5 Pieces of Hubba Bubba

To say I had a sweet tooth growing up would be equivalent of saying “Its gray outside in Ohio.” Yeah

that bad of one. If I had the time, I spent digging out Now and Latter’s and Laugh taffy and chocolate out

of my teeth growing up, I could have been a neurosurgeon. Yeah, I was that serious about junk food.

My dad was the same way, drinking from Hershey Coco can itself. If he was not hungry, it was he just.

ate at McD’s and or he just had a chocolate bar and washed down with his favorite coke and or coffee.

My dad probably had more coffee in him than he had water most of his life.

Anyhow, what was I saying, oh yeah back to junk food, back to growing up in Sylvania and going to the

local store for all that was horrible for your teeth and a very much a sizeable contribution to whatever

dentist’s bottom line I was seeing at the time.

It was called Hocks or was it Hox or what is, hell I don’t know it was too many years ago and too much dental visits 

with a lot of Happy Gas lol. . But we always me and my sister Renee would always get us a lunch paper sack bag 

full of everything that was not made on this planet if you cared to try to read the ingredients.

Smokes Please - White Tip Owl Miniature's for "The HARV" - Her is the Note

Some White Owl miniatures Please – For My Sister and Me Courtesy of Harvey Hancock lol

Also, we would go to the local Convenient and get my dad, with a letter that allowed us to because we were 

like 8,9,10,11, that it was okay for us to buy him his White Owl Miniature Cigars.

Yeah, back then it was okay if you were a minor with a letter to get tobacco products. At the same time, 

if my dad was with us, he would take down the adult magazines and give me a quick view of them.

We Were Bone Naked - Were We Not

He did not understand why the separation from young eyes. At times growing up, I used to have adult

material in the house and he was like, so. I was storing if for others that parents would flip out if their

child had that in their home. God forbid, my dad was like what is the deal, it’s a body, we are born

naked and go out that way too.  

Whatever, he was more concerned on how my mom was able to give us

the latest and greatest Hanukkah once again with him not having the funds to do so. Or the IRS, he hated

the IRS, or other stories in the future =) I am sure if I can remember them.

Many a Weekend Afternoon at the local Lanes which was the Drug Store that were all over Toledo/Sylvania area.

Being Caught Using the Car Magazine to Hide the Playboy lol

– "Hey What Are You Looking At over there, stop looking at the adult magazines."

Yeah, they kept them where you could not reach them, prior to that, at Lanes, I remember many a

weekend afternoon, grabbing the newest Playboy and putting it behind the latest whatever. But that

was back then, when it was not like you can see anything and everything in a less than an iota of a


All The Junk Food You Could Ever Junk

Okay, back to the junk food and boy was it ever. We used to get Pop Rocks, Sugar Dip Sticks, Now and

Lates, Boston Baked Beans, Lemon Heads, Sour Apples, Red Hots, Tarts, Hubba Bubba (the inspiration to

what this story is here, I will get there, you know me. Anyhow there were bit of Honey, Sugar Daddies,

Twinkies, Hohos, Lemon Heads, my dad favorite and mine Rolos, Snickers, Butterfingers, Payday, Mars,

Buns, and not to mention across the street there was another place where we would get yard of gum just to

 make sure those cavities were going to get a fair shot of the release of their soon to be chaos =P

But, let’s go back to Hubba Bubba, the gum of many, many, many painful durations of consequential, 

dental work, including fillings, first they were silver back in the day then it was changed to something

else. Not to mention later there were root canals and not to mention the one or two teeth having to be 

extracted DOH as Homer would say lol. 

But let me go back to Hubba Bubba.

I can still remember that you get the whole pack for 25 cents, and when it went up to 50 cents, it was 

blasphemy to the children's psyche. But my favorite flavor was water melon and I decided one day to do 

something that I have yet to do again. Seriously, it was my feat of feats at that age. Hell, I could not beat 

up on my sister because she would absolutely pound me and then some. I did not have anything athletic skill,

which still holds true to this day. 

My Own Manhattan Project - But Super Micro-Sized Lol =)

I remember discussing it with Renee a couple of times and speaking of it in passing hanging around my

best friend Todd and some of the other neighborhood kids. Imagine no technology and we had a

freaking ball every time out and we would not come back until it was dark and got the yell from our

parents to come back home because it was late. 

Mission Impossible and Should Have Not Even Attempted But I am Kevin, so It Shall Be Done lol 

Anyhow, I made it my mission, not a mission impossible, but after, it should have been a mission 

aborted in all honesty. I wanted to stick the whole pack of Hubba Bubba in my mouth. That was my

huge plan and desire at that time. 

Why How I Don't Understand You - Get In Line Many Don't and I Get That lol

What was going to happen after, why would I do it, well, it is kind of

like today with my thought process, ef it whatever. I never grew up and I know it, I wear it as an honor.  

Sorry, no not really sorry, I am not adulting every day, it must be the ADHD.

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